PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: An Online Approval System, SmartOAS, will automate an organization’s manual/paper form approval process. It allows the staff member to go online and fill in the PERMISSION REQUEST FORM. When submitted the form travels to the first approving administrator to receive approval. The administrator clicks an APPROVE or DENY button, with the option of writing a comment, and clicks CONTINUE APPROVAL. If approved, the form continues to the second, then third, and up to a fourth approval person. In the end, if approved, a customizable message is returned to the submitter, verifying, or denying, approval. If denied, the process halts and a customizable denial message is sent to the submitter.
Example of a FOUR POINT approval system: A staff member who is requesting Personal Leave must complete and deliver a PERMISSION REQUEST FORM to the: (1) Building Principal, (2) Assistant Superintendent, (3) Human Resources Administrator, and (4) the Superintendent, each in turn giving their approval or denial to the request.
This application is meant to replace the inefficient method of passing multiple copies of the paper request form through inter-office mail, with each copy requiring a signature.
SmartEDU’s online approval systems can be adapted to any type of approval of this nature. Examples we have seen: Request for Leave, Request for Professional Day, Request for Part Time Position, Administrative Action Notice, Request for Substitute, etc. If your district has a similar system, our OAS FORM and the process can be customized to your needs.
Advantages to using SmartOAS in your district:
- Your approval process will proceed accurately, faster and with less chance of delay
- Your staff (and administrators) will find doing this online very convenient, without paper.
- The PERMISSION REQUEST FORM can be identical to the one currently being used
- Staff will appreciate not having to search for forms, or worry about it getting lost.
- Records are kept on ALL submissions, and are always viewable by the OAS admin.
For more information and/or pricing on this product please contact:
Chuck Drayton, Director of New Business Development
Phone: 508-543-2804